A man accused of sex offences and stalking has been remanded in prison after breaching bail by approaching a five-year-old. 

Kelvin Morgan, 46, was last month released on conditional bail subject to a series of stringent requirements including not to contact any child under the age of 18 except for supervised visits of family members.

Appearing at Norwich Magistrates’ Court in a wheelchair he admitted breaching the bail conditions after being arrested following reports that he had spoken to a five-year-old girl in the street.  

Sarah Dawes, prosecuting, said he had admitted to police that he had said “hello gorgeous” to the child during the incident in West Winch.

Addressing the court from the dock, he replied: “She was smiling and I know her so I said that.”

But Morgan, of Watering Lane in West Winch, pleaded not guilty to a further allegation of stalking between May 31 and June 2. 

He is accused of following a 16-year-old girl and her mother, said Ms Dawes.

Last month Morgan denied four sexual assaults and a common assault at King’s Lynn Magistrates Court.

He is also already facing two additional counts of stalking two young girls for which he is due to appear at Norwich Crown Court on July 24.

Deputy District Judge Jacqui Appleton committed the new stalking offences and sentencing for breach of bail to the crown court, stating: “I have read the case file and I’m of the opinion that this is not suitable for this court.”

Michael Cole, for Morgan, argued he should be granted bail again and proposed a series of fresh conditions including not to enter Back Lane in West Winch or go to a fish and chip shop in the village. 

But the district judge remanded him in jail, stating: “I do not consider there are significant conditions that would allay concerns.”