An author has been inspired by a school visit to create a new book thanks to a creative pupil there.

Jamie Payne, a children’s author, had visited Cromer Junior School as part of the Aspiration Partners program.

This initiative introduces pupils to individuals from a myriad of influential careers, providing insights into diverse fields from medicine to ecology.

Mr Payne engaged with Year 4 pupils, recounting his journey as a writer and illustrator and the genesis of his character, Biggle-Dink.

Mr Payne stated: “I was so impressed with how well all of the children listened to my presentation and during the Q&A session afterwards they all had really great and varied questions.

Author inspired by Junior School pupil to write new children's book Author inspired by Junior School pupil to write new children's book (Image: Submitted)

"The whole year group made me feel so welcome that I wanted to offer them something more.”

The children were then invited to participate in a competition - the goal was to brainstorm innovative story themes or illustrations for the world of Biggle-Dink.

Mr Payne said: "I was blown away by all of the entries that came in, and the fact that they were all so unique to each other was a wonderful thing to see."

Pupil Blaine emerged as the competition winner, with a creative concept where Biggle-Dink doesn’t like the dark.

The idea was a hit with Mr Payne, who admired Blaine's distinctive narrative structure, clearly inspired by the book I don't like the rain.

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Mr Payne turned Blaine's concept into a printed book, locally produced by Cheverton Printers in Cromer.

Reflecting on the successful endeavour, Mr Payne said: "The feedback from both the staff and children at Cromer Junior School has been fantastic.

"We are planning to hold the competition again in 2025 for the next group of Year 4 children.

"A massive well done to Blaine - he should feel very proud and I know the school are proud of him too."