A man was left with serious facial injuries that required surgery after a New Year’s Eve punch-up in a snooker club. 

The victim was hospitalised after he suffered a badly fractured jaw after being attacked by Michael Wilkins following an argument at Attleborough Snooker Club. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard punches were thrown during the violent dust up between revellers on December 31 last year.  

Rima Begum, prosecuting, said the two men involved had not been known to each other and the attack had been “totally unprovoked”.

READ MORE: Man jailed over 'sustained' street attack in Attleborough

The victim was still suffering from the injuries that needed surgery to insert a metal plate, screws and wires, she said. 

In a personal impact statement read in court he detailed the long running issues from his injuries, stating: “I was out for a nice evening and ended up with injuries that will continue to affect my life for a long period.”

He said he had lost his job working with people with complex needs as he could run the risk of his injuries being accidentally aggravated.

His jaw will always be weak and at risk of further injury.   

Wilkins, of Manor Road in Thetford, appeared to be sentenced having previously pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm. 

READ MORE: Pensioner seriously injured in Attleborough neighbour row

Magistrates made him subject to an 18 month community order including 300 hours unpaid work, 20 rehabilitation days and a mental health requirement.

He was also ordered to pay his victim £1,500 in compensation.

An application for a restraining order was refused after magistrates said it was “not necessary or proportionate”.  

David Foulkes, mitigating, said his behaviour had been fuelled by alcohol and that he had "reacted badly" but that he had since stopped drinking completely.

He said: “He is extremely remorseful for his conduct and reflected on his behaviour.”