A man from south Norfolk has donated a pick-up truck filled with medical aid to Ukraine and joined a convoy organised by the charity Pickups for Peace to the war-torn country.

Keith Miller, from Kirby Cane, near Bungay, and his son Ultan endured a two-day journey to Lviv to deliver the much-needed resources, which were warmly received by Ukrainians upon arrival.

Mr Miller described the journey as being one of the most emotional experiences in his life.

He said: "We visited the military graveyards, and the reality of it all hit me when I witnessed three generations of one family mourning the loss of a father, husband and son.

Businesses can have their logo put onto Mr Millers truck Businesses can have their logo put onto Mr Millers truck (Image: Submitted)

"When they told me that 4x4 pickups are the only way to get injured soldiers to hospital quickly enough, and that each one typically saves ten lives, I began to realise what a huge difference we can make for such a small personal sacrifice."

Despite the dire situation, Mr Miller expressed admiration for the resilient spirit of the Ukrainian people.

He said: "In the city we saw people on crutches and experienced two air raid warnings in the 24 hours that we were there.

"Nevertheless, the Ukrainians are undaunted, the cafes and bars are thriving, and people maintain their lives as normally as they can.

After this life-changing experience, Mr Miller is determined to do more and repeat the exercise.

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However, he needs help to finance his efforts and has therefore started a crowdfunding campaign via Pickups for Peace.

People can support his efforts by donating at justgiving.com/page/keithp4p.

Businesses are also being invited to showcase their support, by having their logo displayed on the truck on its journey to aid Ukraine.

To do this, businesses can contact Mr Miller via email at keithp4p@gmail.com.