A father and son threatened to use a concrete block to smash a police car during a council row over a blockage in a road. 

Alan Stewart, 43, and his son Alan Jnr, 18, both admitted using threatening words to cause alarm or distress and threatening to cause damage to a property.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard police went to Mill Road in Emneth on November 6 to assist with Norfolk Highways who were removing a pile of solidified concrete causing an obstruction.

READ MORE: Norfolk man jailed for spitting at police officer

Lesla Small, prosecuting, said the father and son, who live on the road, had previously been in dispute with the council. 

The teenager had begun banging on a police vehicle telling officers: “You daren’t come out of it because I’ll throttle you.”

He had then picked up a concrete block and threatened to throw it.

David Foulks, mitigating, said: "He fully accepts he lost his cool.”

The court was told he had previously been given a conditional caution over the incident but had failed to attend anger management.

Deputy District Judge Claire Furlong handed him an 18 month conditional discharge.
His father was previously fined a total of £582.