Speed cameras clocked a motorist travelling more than double the speed limit in a 30mph zone. 

On Monday afternoon, a spokesman for Suffolk Constabulary confirmed that officers carrying out speed enforcement checks caught a driver travelling at 63mph in St John's Hill in Bungay.

Police warned that this type of driving is extremely dangerous and that speeding is one of the 'fatal four' offences which pose a risk to drivers' lives.

A postal notice of intended prosecution will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle who will have to provide details of who was driving and this individual will then be summoned to court.

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As the speed was so excessive, this offence cannot be dealt with by a fixed penalty notice and points.

During July, people killed and seriously injured on the roads increases by 20pc based on the average across the year in data collated from 2018 to 2022.

Both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabulary are running a month-long campaign, led by the Roads and Armed Policing Team, looking to target the fatal four offences throughout the region which include excess speed, using a mobile phone, failing to wear a seatbelt and driving under the influence.