Volunteers dressed as poo emojis have taken to a town's high street as part of an MP hopeful's effort to highlight the nation's sewage woes. 

Tim Leaver, Labour's candidate for North West Norfolk, visited King's Lynn to highlight the issue at the weekend.

It comes as sewage has become a key topic this election in Norfolk, with many people concerned about wastewater flowing into rivers and coastal waters.

Tim Leaver, Labour's candidate for North West Norfolk, speaking to voters in King's LynnTim Leaver, Labour's candidate for North West Norfolk, speaking to voters in King's Lynn (Image: Labour Party)

READ MORE: Norfolk MP candidate's family tragedy spurred his fight to topple Tory

Mr Leaver said: "Britain's waterways have become open sewers.

"This stunt asks a serious question - why have Norfolk's beaches and rivers suffered so many sewage spills under the Tories? The sewage pollution affects the environment, our landscape and our economy."

READ MORE: The Norfolk beaches worst-affected by sewage spills

Last year, Anglian Water storm overflows - used at times of extreme weather to prevent flooding - spilt sewage into the Great Ouse for 2,387 hours.

Mr Leaver said his party will tackle the "scandal" by introducing large fines for water companies and blocking bonuses for bosses if elected.