A choir is to perform an ambitious event around an art installation at a well-known Hall.

The Voice Project Choir is set to host its new event, ‘The Lie of The Land’, around Antony Gormley’s installation, ‘Time Horizon’, at Houghton Hall on July 13 and 14.

This will feature original music by Jonathan Baker, Sian Croose, and Orlando Gough, and performances from soloists such as Jeremy Avis, Lisa Cassidy and Sharon Durant.

This is the first time Mr Gormley's ‘Time Horizon’ has been staged in the UK.

The installation, weighing more than 620kg per sculpture and standing at an average height of 191cm, will interplay with the choir's performance creating a unique theatrical event.

The event takes places at Houghton Hall on July 13 and 14 The event takes places at Houghton Hall on July 13 and 14 (Image: JMA PHOTOGRAPHY) READ MORE: Olly Day and Nigel "Boy" Syer bring a night of variety to Sheringham

Composer Orlando Gough said: "What a wonderful opportunity: over a hundred people singing in a landscape, mulling over questions of evolution, of nature and control, of history and nostalgia."

The Voice Project, formed in 2008, is a music education charity, which hosts workshops and offers training for arts professionals.

For tickets to attend this event visit www.voiceproject.co.uk.