Norfolk celebrity chef Polly Guy shares a recipe to give you a real sweet treat for the summer 

Egg custard tart with strawberry rum cocktail jelly, mixed berry sauce, pistachios, raspberry sorbet, macaroon, fresh strawberry



150g Unsalted butter, 230g plain flour, one dessert spoon caster sugar

Egg Custard

280ml double cream, 250ml full fat milk, one vanilla pod, one lemon, one nutmeg, nine egg yolks, 100g caster sugar

Jelly cubes/garnish

Using Niche strawberry cocktails 425ml, 20g caster sugar, little fresh lime juice, 11g gelatine

Pistachios crushed

Raspberry sorbet, mixed berry sauce, fresh strawberries sliced, macaroons

(Image: Polly Guy)


Set oven 160 Fan/180 C middle shelf. Sieve flour and place into large bowl or you can use a machine as it’s quicker, but I like to use my hands.

Then add the cubes of butter and gently using your fingers tips. Gently pass through your fingertips till you have a sand like texture and it’s all incorporated. Then add the sugar and stir in.

Use a little splash cold water and bring the pastry together and a little knead to bring to a smooth ball.

At this stage I flour my work surface and roll it out and using the backs of my hands.

I carefully lift it up and place it into a pre buttered eight inch loose base tin.

Then go round the inside of the pastry making sure the inner sides are pushed down.

Leave the pastry over hanging the sides and now place into the fridge to firm up for 30 mins or overnight.

Next I use uncooked rice and use non stick paper, crumple it up first then place into your pastry as you will have more control of it.

Then add enough rice to fill the inside up. Place your tin on to a large baking tray and place into the oven for 20 mins.

Then take it out and using large spoon take the rice out then carefully take the paper out.

Then prick all over the base but don’t go all the way through.

And bake into the oven for 10 minutes. Then when it’s golden and the base is cooked let it rest for five minutes and then you can slice the pastry off from round the sides to neaten it all up.

Now to make the custard. Using a large pan add the cream, milk half nutmeg freshly grated and using a peeler add some fresh lemon peel and on a low heat bring to a simmer.

(Image: Polly Guy)

In another bowl add the nine egg yolks and sugar and whisk.

Now pour your hot liquid slowly onto your eggs and sugar whisking all the time and add slowly.

Then give it all a good stir. Now get a large jug and place a sieve over the the top and strain the liquid so your left with a smooth infused custard.

Turn the oven right down to 120F and place the tart back in the oven middle shelf then pour the custard in till it just comes to the top - don’t overfill though! This way ensures you're not walking round the kitchen with custard spilling out of your pastry case! Shut the oven door and keep your eye on it after 20 minutes check it by gently pushing the tray if the custard still looks loose shut the door and check it again every five minutes so you don’t over bake the custard.

It should just have a wobble in the centre then take it out and let it cool completely then into the fridge to set up.

It's a great pudding to make the day before you need it!

If your custard cracks it’s over baked, if this occurs then just cover it with whipped cream and no-one will know.

While the tart it chilling in the fridge let’s make the jelly cube garnish. Add half the strawberry cocktail with sugar, a little squeeze of fresh lime to a small pan and bring to a simmer.

While this is coming to temperature add your gelatine leaves to cold water to bloom and it will go very soft.

Then when your liquid is simmering, squeeze out any remaining water and add to the mixture to dissolve fast.

Then add the rest of the cocktail and let it cool completely.

At this stage you can pour over your egg custard tart till set or you can line a small square tin with clean film.

A tip - if you lightly oil the base then add your clean film it will stick better in the tin.

Then pour your jelly in and place in fridge till set.

When the jelly is set gently lift out of the tin and peel off the clean film, run a sharp knife under hot tap and dry off then slice the jelly into cubes.

Plate up, slice the tart up and then add mixed berry sauce then tart on top, little crushed pistachios, a scoop of sorbet, fresh fruit, cubes of the amazing jelly and a macaroon to finish.

It's a really chefy dessert to impress your friends and family