A cheeky streaker took home the gold before being disqualified during this year's Ham National at the Royal Norfolk Show. 

A highlight of the annual event, the porktacular race has become something of a staple at the Countryside Ring. 

Held by Church Farm Stow Bardolph, near King's Lynn, 12 pigs lined-up at the start to race their trotters off shortly after 11am. 

(Image: Newsquest / Denise Bradley)

The first race saw Streaky - naked as usual - bring home the bacon, but they were soon disqualified when it was confirmed he pushed Notorious P.I.G. during the second lap. 

Daddy Pig beat the odds and won the second race, while Harry Trotter was crowned the winner of the third and final lap, even overtaking Farmer Wayne on his way round. 

The dozen pigs were then applauded by the crowds, made up of children and adults alike, for a final victory lap.

(Image: Newsquest / Denise Bradley) (Image: Newsquest / Denise Bradley)