A city shopkeeper sustained cuts to his hands when he bravely wrestled a knife away from a raider who had come to rob him, a court heard.

Edi Gashi was forced to fight off Taulant Emini when he entered the Eagle Mini Mart on Dereham Road and produced a knife.

Eagle Mini Mart on Dereham Road, NorwichEagle Mini Mart on Dereham Road, Norwich (Image: Newsquest) Norwich Crown Court heard Emini, a 22-year-old Albanian national, had "attempted to rob" the store but was quickly overpowered by Mr Gashi.

Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest) Danielle O'Donovan, prosecuting, said Mr Gashi was "able to wrestle the knife away" but in doing so "sustained a very deep cut to the thumb of his left hand which needed nine stitches".

The victim also received a smaller cut to the middle finger of his right hand following the raid on November 28 last year.

Police were called and Emini was caught after being picked up on CCTV.

Taulant EminiTaulant Emini (Image: Norfolk Constabulary) Emini, of no fixed abode, appeared at court to be sentenced after previously admitting assault with intent to rob.

Miss O'Donovan said the victim has had to get extra help at the store and was "frightened" a similar sort of thing might happen again.

He has had to move and no longer feels safe in this country.

Jailing Emini for three years, Recorder John Hardy said although he had attempted to rob the store "through an act of violence" Mr Gashi "was able to overpower you and prevented you from going through with your plan".

But he said that in so doing he sustained "a very serious injury" and have had both a physical and psychological impact on the victim.

Khurram Arif, mitigating, said Emini, who spoke through an interpreter, had no previous convictions and was entitled to credit for plea.

He said the sheaf of the knife came away in the struggle resulting in the injuries to the victim.

Mr Arif said Emini was 21 at the time of the offence and lacked maturity.