A 30-piece choir is set to perform a free concert in a church renowned for its fine organ.

Celestial Voices, led by Janet Kelsey, will be singing at Cromer Church on Saturday, June 29, at 5pm.

The evening's programme includes Bach's Komm, Jesu, Komm, and works by celebrated composers Debussy, Faure, Rutter, Bruckner, Parry, Palestrina, Gjeilo, Vierne and Cohen.

This concert is a repeat of a successful performance the choir gave in France in May at the church of St Hilaire le Grand in Poitiers.

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A majority of choir members hailing from Norfolk, they traditionally present their foreign concert at home afterwards.

The Cromer Church was chosen for its superb organ, which will be used for the Kyrie from Louis Vierne's Messe Solennelle.

Vierne was a distinguished organist at Notre-Dame de Paris, who tragically passed away mid-recital.

David Saint, of Birmingham's Saint Chad's Cathedral and ex-chair of the Royal College of Organists, is scheduled to play the Cromer organ.

The concert is expected to last just over an hour, and will close with a collection.

Wine and juice will also be available for purchase.