An election candidate has asked police to investigate mystery posters put up across his constituency which outline his business interests and claim he would be a "part-time MP".

Rupert Lowe, who is standing for Reform UK in Great Yarmouth, has called whoever is responsible for the flyers a "weasel" and demanded they identify themselves.

"It is like someone in their underpants posting stuff on social media. Whoever is behind it should identify themselves so we can have a proper debate," he said.

The posters that have appeared in Great YarmouthThe posters that have appeared in Great Yarmouth (Image: Newsquest)

"Identify yourself you little weasel. There is a dirty tricks campaign against me and I won't tolerate it."

The posters, which have been put up in several locations, including attached to a window of the old Argos building in the town centre, claim the former Southampton Football Club chairman would have 13 'other jobs' if he became an MP.

UPDATE: Norfolk Police say Great Yarmouth '13 jobs' flyer 'no crime'

The issue of second jobs is particularly controversial in the town as previous MP Sir Brandon Lewis came under fire for his extensive non-parliamentary interests, which critics said diverted him from his constituency work.

Rupert Lowe, Reform candidate for Great YarmouthRupert Lowe, Reform candidate for Great Yarmouth (Image: Reform UK)

Mr Lowe has reacted furiously to the poster and fiercely disputes the central claim.

He says many of the posts outlined are director positions, while some are 'non-executive' and unpaid posts, while others are in non-trading companies. He says he is not involved with the day-to-day running of any of the companies he is a director of.

A spokesman for his campaign claimed the posters represent "illegal" election material because it does not contain an 'imprint' stating who is responsible for publishing campaign material and who they are promoting it for.

Brandon Lewis, who is standing down as an MP at this election, had previously been criticised for taking on second jobs as an MPBrandon Lewis, who is standing down as an MP at this election, had previously been criticised for taking on second jobs as an MP

Mr Lowe has said being an MP would be his "full-time job" and has vowed to donate all of his salary to local charities and "worthy causes", choosing a different organisation each month.

"[My business] experience should be celebrated. Do you want a candidate who has never done anything and has no life experience?" he added.

"I started with absolutely nothing and built up what I have myself.

"It is incredible that people would criticise me for taking risks and running successful companies that employ local people and boost the economy.

"I am fed up of lies being spread about me. Let me be crystal clear - if elected as MP, it will be my full-time job."

Norfolk Police have been approached for comment.