A Beccles school is on the verge of crossing the £100,000 fundraising mark for Cancer Research UK.

Sir John Leman High School, which launched the fundraising campaign in 2011, has so far generated an impressive £92,767 for the charity through its Leman for Life initiative.

Its latest fundraiser is today and will involve pupils and staff tackling a 5km course spearheaded by the Bungay Black Dog Runners.

Beccles friends, staff and pupils all join in with the day Beccles friends, staff and pupils all join in with the day (Image: Submitted)

Kirsten Remer, from Sir John Leman High School, said: “Leman for Life was started to enable youngsters to 'race for life' on their own patch.

"I was pleased to have the baton passed to me to co-ordinate an afternoon, where the school comes together for a cause so close to many of our hearts."

In a statement, the Beccles Friends of Cancer Research UK group, longtime supporters of the school's annual event, said: “Despite a packed curriculum, the Sir John Leman High School have found time to hold their own version of Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life every year since 2011.

"The event epitomises what is great about the high school."

Pupils at 2023 Leman For Life at Sir John Leman High School Pupils at 2023 Leman For Life at Sir John Leman High School (Image: Submitted)

Three businesses have also given their financial backing to the cause.

Ellough Industrial Estate donated £150, Berry Global committed £50, and Beccles Tesco contributed £30.

Cancer Research UK representative for Norfolk and Suffolk, Sophia France, said: "Our incredible supporters such as our committed Beccles Friends of Cancer Research UK and the enthusiastic Sir John Leman High School are helping us to go further and faster in the fight against the disease."

Everyone is urged to bolster efforts of reaching the £100,000 tally by donating at fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/unite/leman-for-life-2024.