A man who broke into a recycling centre looking for items to steal was caught red handed after security alerted the police.  

David Wilcocks, 52, was arrested after a “ham-fisted” attempt at theft after scaling the fence at the Heacham tip in the early hours of June 23.

Appearing at Norwich Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to entering as a trespasser with intent to steal. 

READ MORE: New Norfolk recycling centre to be built after decision made

Sarah Dawes, prosecuting, said he had attempted to flee from police empty handed after they had been alerted that he had been seen on CCTV leaving a van wearing gloves and entering the site. 

She said it had taken some degree of planning.

David Wilcocks was fined at Norwich Magistrates' CourtDavid Wilcocks was fined at Norwich Magistrates' Court (Image: Newsquest)

But Rob New, mitigating, said the self-employed plant worker from west Norfolk had entered the site off the A149 on a whim after parking his van nearby to sleep in after attending a party. 

“He went in to look around but realised there was nothing to steal,” he said. “It was a ham-fisted attempt and he was very shame-faced about it.”

Magistrates ordered he pay fines and costs totalling £691.