Relatives of adults with physical disabilities are fuming about the decision to close a specialist care home.

The Grove, in East Carleton, near Wymondham, is being shut down, forcing its 23 full-time occupants to find new accommodation.

And the families of those in its care have been left to pick up the responsibility, claiming the sudden decision has blindsided them. 

A relative said: "We had a series of meetings throughout the last 10 months with reassurance that things were improving but two weeks ago we were told things weren't looking good."

Last August the home was rated inadequate by the Care Quality Commission after inspectors discovered a number of "discrepancies" in the way its services were being run.

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Leonard Cheshire, the welfare charity in charge of The Grove, committed to bringing it up to standard but less than a year later residents are being given their marching orders.

The Grove, a Leonard Cheshire care home in East CarletonThe Grove, a Leonard Cheshire care home in East Carleton (Image: Lauren De Boise)

"It's really upsetting that the home where some have lived for many years will be taken from them and to find a new home when there are few suitable choices will be a challenge," the relative added.

"We feel badly let down by Leonard Cheshire."

A spokeswoman lumped the blame on staffing issues and leadership, however.

She said: "Like many organisations delivering social care, we face long-term challenges recruiting suitable management and specialist staff at some locations. 

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"This has been particularly acute at The Grove in recent years, with no permanent nursing staff and all shifts being covered by agency workers.

"We've taken every possible step to address concerns raised by the care regulator following their last inspection of the service but difficulties getting the right staff for leadership and nursing roles has ultimately proved insurmountable."

An official closing date has yet to be provided while Continuing Health Care and Norfolk County Council assist with transferring residents to new homes.