Football fans are being urged by emergency services to act responsibly after violence at a city pub marred England’s latest Euros game.

They issued the warning after a man was knocked out during a brawl between two Three Lions supporters at city centre boozer, the Woolpack, during Thursday’s match against Denmark.

The pub was crowded with supporters watching the match at the time. In chaotic scenes, food was thrown and fans were pushed, before a man was punched unconscious.

The victim was on the ground for around an hour, receiving treatment first from members of the public and then paramedics.

Police treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The WoolpackPolice treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The Woolpack (Image: Submitted)

One witness said: "My initial thoughts were that he was dead."  

The man in his 20s was eventually taken to the N&N for further treatment. He has since been discharged.

England fans at the Woolpack, in Golden Ball Street, said his attacker had fled the pub with his friends before police arrived. Officers have said they are yet to make an arrest and said they are still looking for him.

Police treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The WoolpackPolice treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The Woolpack (Image: Submitted)

The witnesses described the fight erupting after an argument over claims some supporters were blocking the view of the screen.

They said that chicken wings and other food were thrown, while one man threatened another with a glass bottle.

During the fight, the victim who was knocked out was punched in the ribs and head.  

Police treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The WoolpackPolice treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The Woolpack (Image: Submitted)

Ahead of England’s next game against Slovenia on Tuesday police are urging people to “behave responsibly, to look out for one another, and be aware of how their behaviour may impact others”.  

A spokesman for the Ambulance Service said: “We often see a rise in demand during and immediately after high-profile football matches which puts pressure on our services," the spokesman continued.

"We would urge the public to drink and act responsibly while watching the games at the Euro 2024 football Championships to reduce the likelihood of needing the emergency services.”

Police treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The WoolpackPolice treating a man who was knocked out during the England vs Denmark game at The Woolpack (Image: Submitted)