One "very poorly" dog's life has been thrown into danger after her owner was handed a shock £5,500 vet bill.

Neeko the whippet has been suffering from pancreatitis since last June but this month was diagnosed with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anaemia (IMHA).

The condition means her body destroys her red blood cells in combination with her bone marrow not making new ones.

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Neeko and her owner LauraNeeko and her owner Laura (Image: Laura Trinder)

The eight-year-old pooch is a "complete princess, who loves nothing more than cuddles and snuggles" according to her owner Laura Trinder.

The single mother-of-two from Norwich said: "I thought I was being a responsible owner getting pet insurance covering £4,000, I never imagined that wouldn't be enough.

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"I will do anything it takes to give Neeko the chance to get well again.

"She's very very poorly, any other dog would be on death's door and without the medicine I'm not sure she would still be here."

Neeko in the Isle of Lews more than a year agoNeeko in the Isle of Lewis more than a year ago (Image: Laura Trinder) To raise the extra £1,500 not covered by her insurance Ms Trinder set up a GoFundMe account.

"I'm so sorry I had to even ask," she added. "It's mortifying but I want to thank everyone who has donated so so much, as well as the support from JR Whippet Rescue who have covered some of the costs."

The fundraiser has currently raised £700 towards the £1,500 target.