Food and farming must be key priorities for all political parties during the General Election campaign, says NFU East regional director Dr Zoe Leach.

East Anglia has a proud farming history and, today, the industry remains a key part of life in the region.

Step out of any Norfolk or Suffolk market town and there is a good chance that a working farm will soon come into view.

Farmers here work hard in all conditions to deliver food to our plates while also playing a vital role in the local economy, providing thousands of jobs.

They protect and enhance the countryside, support the environment, work to the highest standards of animal welfare and strive to help deliver national food security - an issue which has really come under the spotlight in recent months due to extreme weather and with overreliance of imports resulting in empty supermarket shelves.

For these reasons it is so important that political parties deliver the support farmers urgently need to ensure a bright future for the industry.

The recent NFU Farmer Confidence Survey revealed that confidence amongst British farmers is at its lowest point since the survey began, in 2010.

The impact of the wettest 18 months since 1836 has hit many hard regardless of sector and size.

Farmers also have serious concerns over the potential impact of bluetongue [the livestock disease] in this region and the NFU is pushing for Defra, vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and the livestock and dairy sectors to work together to make a vaccine available in the UK as soon as possible to help minimise its impact on sheep and cattle.

As East Anglian farmers face the perfect storm of sustained high production costs, low market returns and increasing regulation for all, there has never been a more important time, with a General Election looming, for political parties to put clear policies in place that support the region’s farmers.

The NFU manifesto "Farming for Britain’s Future" makes key asks of the next government to ensure farmers can continue to deliver for the environment, economy and local communities while producing more of the great British food we all enjoy.

Going forward, the right plan needs to be in place from all parties for British farming to allow for profitable production, stability and confidence. This will allow farmers to grow more sustainable, traceable food, reinvest, embrace innovation and continue to care for the farmed landscape.

The NFU manifesto has solutions we think will work and in the coming General Election the NFU will keep food and farming at the heart of the debate and make sure prospective candidates are under no illusions about what is needed.

Whatever happens on July 4, the NFU will remain clear about what our farmers need most and we will be looking for meaningful outcomes that benefit British food and farm businesses for the good of all.

A thriving East Anglian farming industry greatly benefits the whole of society, so our political leaders must deliver for our farmers and for our region.