This is the moment a police car crashed into a van as the driver tried to flee from officers.

Robert Wilde was spotted by officers in Norwich driving a white Citroen Dispatch van which was believed to have false number plates.

The van was followed for a short time before Wilde indicated and stopped the vehicle in Oak Street.

Dash-cam footage from around 8.20pm on February 7 shows the moment Wilde reverses into a police car as officers try to box him in before mounting the pavement in a desperate attempt to get away.

He drove between parked cars and buildings before rejoining the road and turning the van towards the pursuing police cars. 

Officers then crashed into the van, a technique called tactical contact, to stop Wilde and bring the pursuit to an end.

Wilde has been sentenced to a year in prison and a three year driving disqualificationWilde has been sentenced to a year in prison and a three-year driving ban (Image: Norfolk Police)

Wilde tried to get away by ramming the police car behind him but officers stopped him.

He was arrested and taken to Wymondham Police Station for questioning and later charged with dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance, failing to stop and burglary.

The 45-year-old, of Gilbert Street, London, appeared at Norwich Crown Court on May 31 after pleading guilty to dangerous driving and driving whilst disqualified at an earlier hearing.

He was sentenced to one year in prison and disqualified from driving for two years.