A North Norfolk hero is "overwhelmed" to be the recipient of an award on the King's honours list.

Fifty-eight-year-old Nathan Liberman, a volunteer for Sheringham Community First Responders from Holt, has been given a British Empire Medal for his service to the NHS and to the community of North Norfolk.

He has responded to over 7000 emergency calls for the last 17 years.

"Saving someone's life and getting to meet them afterwards is probably the most rewarding part of this work. You just never know where a call is going to take you.

"And I am only one of a huge number of responders who do this every day," said Mr Liberman.

In 2013, Mr Liberman saved the life of a mother of two, who he is pictured with, after she suffered a heart attack.In 2013, Mr Liberman saved the life of a mother-of-two, with whom he is pictured, after she suffered a heart attack. (Image: Archant Norfolk 2013)
Mr Liberman, who has been volunteering since 2007, said when he received the letter, he was initially "quite overwhelmed" by the honour, adding that he had no idea he had been nominated. 

In 2021, the Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk congratulated Mr Liberman for receiving the Uniformed Hero of the Year at the North Norfolk News Awards. 

"The Lord-Lieutenant then suggested to my wife that she nominate me for this award, and I had no idea.

"So my wife did all the heavy lifting but then when she didn't hear back, she thought they'd forgotten about it.

"So she was just as surprised as I was when we received the letter."

Mr Liberman was also the recipient of the Queens Jubilee Medal in 2022, which is given to those ambulance personnel who have worked on the frontline for five years, and served during Covid-19.

When Nathan Harvey Liberman received his Uniformed Hero of the Year at the North Norfolk News awards, he dedicated his work for the community to his family.When Mr Liberman received his Uniformed Hero of the Year at the North Norfolk News awards in 2021, he dedicated his work for the community to his family. (Image: Archant)
"My family have put up with a lot over the last few years. I generally work night shifts and often get called away from time with them, so I'm really grateful for all their support." 

Mr Liberman will celebrate the honour at a small party on Saturday evening with close friends and family.