Plans have been agreed for a new house in a Norfolk village.

Paul O'Hare has been given outline planning permission for a new property on Outwell Road, at Nordelph, near Downham Market.

A planning statement described the site as "a clear and logical infill building plot that does not detract from or adversely affect the existing character of the area and will provide much needed housing application within the local area".

It adds the site could accommodate a two-storey house and garage.

READ MORE: Plans for homes in Nordelph turned down over wildlife fears

A planning officer's report said: "The application satisfactorily demonstrates that a dwelling could be accommodated on the site together with an appropriate level of parking, turning and garden areas for both the new and retained dwelling.

"The plot is capable of accommodating a dwelling without giving rise to any significant adverse impacts with respect to neighbouring amenity."

Nordelph Parish Council supported the application. There were no objections.