A bid to fell a protected tree has been turned down despite fear it could fall on a home.

Phil Rowe applied to cut down the Corsican Pine, which stands in the rear garden of a property on Lynn Road, at Downham Market.

An application to remove it says it is leaning at "a significant angle", and "it would be no surprise if catastrophic failure should occur".

It adds were the tree to fall, it would do so on a newly-built bungalow.

READ MORE: Plans for new house on Lynn Road at Downham Market turned down

Council papers say the pine, which partly overhangs the house, is the subject of a tree preservation order.

It adds the tree was not deemed dangerous when the property was built in 2022 and there is no evidence anything has changed.

"This is a large and attractive tree standing in a prominent location adjacent to a public footpath, it makes a positive contribution to the amenity value of the area," it adds.

"Justification for the felling of the tree has not been sufficiently demonstrated and does not outweigh the resulting harm that would follow the loss of this tree."