Norfolk sight loss charity volunteers received recognition during National Volunteers Week with a visit to Pensthorpe wildlife park.

More than 30 people, part of the over 100 volunteers supporting Vision Norfolk, were given a unique sensory tour, lunch, and the opportunity to discover the park.

This was arranged to acknowledge charitable work like running sports and leisure activities, providing advice at eye clinics, driving, fundraising, and more.

Vision Norfolk chairwoman of trustees, Karen Norton, expressed gratitude for the significant support the volunteers provide.

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Mrs Norton said: “Without our wonderful volunteers we would simply not be able to offer the range of services that we do for vision impaired people across Norfolk,” said Mrs Norton.

“The demand for our services continues to grow, and it is only through the dedication and loyalty of our army of volunteers that we are able to meet that demand.

“Volunteering is a richly rewarding thing to do, and we would very much welcome anyone who is thinking of volunteering some time to consider helping Vision Norfolk.”