Plans for a new five-bed home in a Norfolk village have been given the go-ahead.

West Norfolk Council has agreed planning permission for the two storey property at Southery, near Downham Market.

A design statement said permission had previously been granted for a four-bed house on the same site, next to the Old Rectory on Churchgate.

It added the latest application was for "a slightly larger dwelling".

READ MORE: Plans for bungalow in Southery turned down

READ MORE: Plans to convert chapel into home refused  

Southery Parish Council objected because the access to the development will be on a bend.

But a planning officer's report said there was "a long history of approvals for a dwelling on the site".

It added: "The proposed access and visibility splays have not received objections from the local highway authority and the proposal is therefore considered acceptable on highway safety grounds subject to conditions."