A heavy metal guitarist who played in a band called Ain't My Crime has been jailed for possessing thousands of “depraved and appalling” indecent images of children.

Lajos Reszegi, 40, who was in a number of local metal bands, tried to blame a housemate and wipe the memory of his laptop to hide his involvement.

Reszegi who has previously played in a band called Ain't My Crime tried to blame a housemate for the imagesReszegi who has previously played in a band called Ain't My Crime tried to blame a housemate for the images (Image: Facebook)

Norwich Crown Court was told that among almost 6,000 images were hundreds of the most serious category, involving children estimated to be aged as young as six months. 

READ MORE: Norwich metal guitarist denies indecent images of children

Recorder Richard Conley told him he had made a determined effort to seek out “utterly disgusting and aberrant” images.

“Every image you were looking at was depraved and applying abuse committed by real people on real children,” he added.

Reszegi, of Sawmill Court, off Penn Gove, Norwich, pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent images including 947 deemed to be category A - the most serious type.

The Hungarian national also admitted making 1,108 category B images and 1,625 category C images between June and July 2020.

Reszegi searched for ways to access to dark web and wipe his laptopReszegi searched for ways to access to dark web and wipe his laptop (Image: Facebook)

Jude Durr, prosecuting, said analysis of a seized laptop had discovered searches for image torrent links referring to sexual terms and child ages.

Other searches included for the dark web, peer-to-peer image sharing and ways to delete image metadata and wipe the memory of a laptop.

“There was an attempt to suggest a cohabitee must have been responsible for downloading these images,” said Mr Durr.

READ MORE: Norwich man admits watching torture videos of toddlers

The court was told Reszegi, a delivery driver, was currently on police bail for alleged offences involving a 13-year-old girl.  

Reszegi was made subject of a 10 year sexual harm prevention orderReszegi was made subject of a 10 year sexual harm prevention order (Image: Facebook)

Jailing him for 12 months Recorder Conley said he was unable to suspend the sentence after hearing that he had failed to disclose this to probation officers.

Making him subject to a 10 year sexual harm prevention order, he added: “You have not faced up to this in any meaningful way.”

Martin Ivory, mitigating, said he started accessing adult pornography but had “gone down a wormhole” after discovering child images which he claimed was “out of curiosity”.   

“He is reluctant to admit sexual motivation but he does express remorse,” he added.