Thousands of pounds have been raised for a poorly cat who has made a university campus his second home. 

Sylvester the Cat has touched the lives of thousands of students since he received a warm welcome as the unofficial campus feline at the University of East Anglia.

But many people grew concerned recently when he had not been spotted for several days. 

READ MORE: Cat lover pleads with housing association to let two of her pets stay

Sylvester was often spotted lounging around the UEA campus before he fell illSylvester is often spotted lounging around the UEA campus (Image: Sophie Young)

After getting in touch with the campus celebrity's family, students discovered Sylvester had fallen extremely unwell.  

The adored cat, who has more than 5,000 followers on his Facebook page run by owner Emily Birkitt, is suffering from a heart infection and fluid retention around his organs. 

READ MORE: Sylvester the UEA cat gets his own merchandise for Mind

He has been in and out of the vets who are worried about his ability to fight off any potential infection. 

Amy Marshall, who decided to set up an online fundraiser, said: "We were told by Emily that he had not been very well at all and he just wasn't happy.

Sylvester was quite the adventurous feline when he was ill, often sneaking into lecture theatresSylvester is often seen sneaking into lecture theatres (Image: Susan Witte)

"Emily had stressed that she didn't expect anybody to set up a fundraiser and that Sylvester is insured but I saw a comment saying it was going to cost a lot more than expected as it wasn’t a simple health condition. 

"I just thought, let's do it, if it falls flat that’s fine but if it doesn't it could mean the difference between Emily and her family paying for that vet treatment." 

READ MORE: Cats found with nasty wounds spark fears that cruel slasher is on the loose

The fundraiser now sits at more than £3,500 and has seen 300 people donate.  

Mrs Marshall added: "Myself and Sylvester's family are so overwhelmed with the kindness. 

Official UEA merchandise in collaboration with Mind had Sylvester as the mascotOfficial UEA merchandise in collaboration with Mind has Sylvester as the mascot (Image: UEA)

"Particularly Emily's daughter – they have a very special bond." 

Last year, Sylvester the Cat merchandise was launched to raise money for the mental health charity, Mind. 

Mrs Marshall has said that once the fundraiser exceeds the cost of the veterinary care the rest of the proceeds will go to the same charity.