Two people have been prosecuted following complaints about drug-related anti-social behaviour. 

There were repeated reports of disruption caused by the pair in Gorleston and Martham. 

The council worked with Norfolk Constabulary in attempts to change their behaviour but they proved unsuccessful and the two of them appeared at Great Yarmouth Magistrates' Court. 

An anti-social behaviour injunction was given to Amanda Hutchinson, 58, of Magnolia Green, Gorleston, and she was also ordered to pay £716.25.

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Ian McKenzie, 58, of Grove Close, Martham, was also handed an injunction and his costs are to be decided later. 

The injunctions were granted under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and last for a year.

The orders forbid Hutchinson and McKenzie, members of their households and visitors from using, being in possession of or being under the influence of unlawful drugs or allowing the smell of drugs to disperse from their homes and into communal areas or other properties.

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A breach of the orders could result in a prison sentence of up to two years and an unlimited fine.

A spokesman for Great Yarmouth Borough Council said: ‘’Taking court action where necessary demonstrates the council's determination to tackle anti-social behaviour which affects the community.

"The council will always act swiftly and robustly to protect the wider community when crimes are committed.’’