A parish council has responded to claims it is planning to evict feral chickens within the village. 

It comes after locals who reside in and around Snettisham's Common Road complained about a flock of almost 100 feral chickens which have set up their home there. 

They say the birds are noisy and keep them up at night, as well as digging up their gardens. 

They also claim that people from outside the village have been travelling there to leave them food, which is attracting rats. 

Eastern Daily Press: The Snettisham chickens

The villagers have raised the issue with Snettisham Parish Council, which responded to claims it threatened to remove the birds. 

In a statement posted on its website, the parish council said: “We are not threatening to 'evict' the chickens or remove them.   

“We are seeking specialist advice from various sources, only one of which is Fresh Start for Hens. We have sought advice from this particular rescue charity as they are experts in the needs, behaviour, health and welfare of chickens.   

Eastern Daily Press: Common Lane, Snettisham

“We have also invited villagers to come along to a meeting, to discuss the issue with the chickens, so we may gauge public opinion.   

“Only after we have all the information, will the parish council decide if it needs to make any kind of decision, if at all.”  

However, others are sticking up for the flock saying the animals add to the village's rural charm and are not the nuisance they are being branded. 

Resident of 30 years, Rebecca Chilvers, has designed a 'Save the Chickens' poster and called for locals to back the petition. 

She said: “They are more than residents to Snettisham than the people who live here. They are the residents. They are part of the fabric of the village.” 

Eastern Daily Press: Save the Chickens! A poster in support of the Snettisham chickens

A committee member for several organisations within the village, the 39-year-old said she had spoken with people who confirmed the chickens’ residency within the village for almost 70 years. 

She added: “The chickens here are not out of hand, and there are not 100s here – there are only a few. 

“Their numbers are kept in check by nature with winter and predators acting as natural culls.” 

The issue of the chickens will be discussed at the Annual Parish Assembly meeting on Tuesday, May 28 at 6pm at the Memorial Hall on Old Church Road, Snettisham.