Forensics officers have been working in a town centre road close to an area which was cordoned off for several hours. 

A police car and a forensics van have been seen on Middle Market Road in Great Yarmouth on Monday afternoon. 

A person, who lives on the road and asked not to be named, said: "I heard a lot of shouting outside at about 4.30am.

"I thought it was just down to it being the bank holiday weekend. I heard the air ambulance at about 6am but that was closer to town. So it seems something bad has happened.”

Eastern Daily Press: Police in Great YarmouthPolice in Great Yarmouth (Image: James Weeds)

Another person said: "At about 5.45am I heard people walking down the road. I looked out of my window and saw two guys and maybe two ladies. 

"They went into the flat across the road and about 15 mins later I heard lots of shouting and screaming and saw people running around outside.

"Then the police arrived at about 6.05am."

It comes after a police cordon was put in place outside Poundstretcher in the town centre this morning. 

It is not clear if the two incidents are linked.

Photos showed the bus stop outside Poundstretcher cordoned off by police. 

The police cordon has since been lifted.

Eastern Daily Press: Police at the scenePolice at the scene (Image: James Weeds)

A first aid kit and some blue gloves were spotted inside the cordon and an officer was standing guard. 

It is understood that the cordon was put in place during the early hours of this morning.

People were out and about during the morning making the most of the bank holiday sunshine, unaware of what had happened nearby.

Norfolk Police has been approached for more information