A shoplifter attacked staff who spotted him trying to steal an unlikely combination of pizzas and caviar.

David Marsh, 31, bit security workers who tried to detain him at the North Walsham branch of Sainsbury's on January 9. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told during a violent scuffle he also spat at the staff telling them: “I’ve got Aids. Now you’re going to get it.”

Rima Begum, prosecuting, said he had been seen leaving with two pizzas, two jars of caviar and a number of vapes.

READ MORE: Shoplifter jailed over thefts just two weeks into store ban

March, who gave an address at Wensum Lodge Hotel in Fakenham, pleaded guilty to theft, assault and criminal damage.

He also admitted stealing wine from a Sainsbury’s filling station on January 7. 

Natasha Baker, mitigating, said he had long-standing health issues including chronic anxiety and had been referred to social services to address alcohol misuse. 

Magistrates imposed a 12 month community order requiring alcohol treatment and rehabilitation days for the “unpleasant incident”.

They also ordered him to pay £300 compensation to the staff member.