A man has been handed a community order and ordered to pay out more than £800 by a a magistrates' court after assaulting three people in a west Suffolk town.

Jordan Pugsley, of Bedford Crescent in Cambridgeshire, appeared before Suffolk Magistrates’ Court in Ipswich last month.

The 27-year-old was answering three charges of assault by beating and one charge of criminal damage, all in connection with an incident which took place in Brandon on December 22 last year.

On the day in question, Pugsley was said to have assaulted two men and one woman. He was also said to have damaged a mobile phone belonging to one of the men.

Pugsley pleaded guilty to each of these offences.

He was given a community order lasting for 12 months, with the requirement of completing 80 hours of unpaid work in the community.

Pugsley was also ordered to pay each of the victims £100, totalling £300, and an additional £242.99 for the damage to the mobile phone.

He will also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £145 and a surcharge of £114.

This brought the total amount to £801.99.