Work on a new £1.2m road in Norwich has been delayed until the summer, council officials have confirmed.

Construction of the Norwich Airport Industrial Estate Link road had been due to start in April, but a hold-up in securing the necessary legal documents means it has been pushed back.

A Norfolk County Council spokesman said: “Work on the Norwich Airport link road has not yet started because the final legal documents are still being processed.

"We expect to be able to start on site this summer and will provide more details on timings before work begins."

The new, quarter-of-a-mile road, to connect Norwich Airport to the nearby industrial estate, would be for buses and cyclists, with a footpath for pedestrians.

General traffic would not be permitted to use the road.

When work does begin, it is likely to take about four months to complete.

Eastern Daily Press: Graham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transportGraham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport (Image: Norfolk County Council)

Graham Plant, Norfolk County Council's cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport, used his powers to approve the scheme last year.

County Hall bosses say the road "will significantly improve sustainable access to the airport, the International Aviation Academy Norwich and the wider industrial estate".

It would see Liberator Road, which passes behind the aviation academy, widened and extended, to connect it to the airport.

Council officers say it would also provide a key "missing link" to the yellow pedalway walking and cycling route, which links the city to Horsford.

The road would have a speed limit of 20mph or lower, while a 1.8-metre-wide footpath along the southern side of the road would enable pedestrians to use it.

Eastern Daily Press: Liberator Road would become a £1.2m link road between Norwich Airport and the airport industrial estateLiberator Road would become a £1.2m link road between Norwich Airport and the airport industrial estate (Image: Google Street View)

Barriers, to be maintained by the airport, would be installed to stop unauthorised vehicles using the route.

The link road would remain in the ownership of the airport, with a legal agreement in place to provide right of access for bus operators and public access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Norfolk County Council and Norwich City Council sold the 48-acre Norwich Airport Industrial Estate to Dove Real Estate for £35.7m in 2022.

The scheme would be paid for using a slice of the £32m Transforming Cities money awarded to the county council in 2020.