Plans for two new homes have been agreed after villagers rallied round to support them.

Fenland council has granted outline permission for two new properties on Church Lane at Tydd St Giles, near Wisbech.

A planning officer's report had recommended refusal, saying it would cause "real and actual character harm" to an area of "gentle transition" between the village and open countryside.

READ MORE: Go-ahead for new village shop at Tydd St Giles

It added while six objections were received, there had been 16 letters of support, on grounds including the new properties would help the village shop and school to thrive.

Tydd St Giles Parish Council also described it as "unsustainable development in the open countryside".

But a planning statement said the council had previously given the go-ahead for new homes on "the periphery of existing villages".

It added: "The proposal is for residential development within a residential location."