Stables at a former village vicarage are set to be turned into holiday lets.

West Norfolk Council has agreed plans to convert the single-storey building at the Old Vicarage at Hilgay, near Downham Market.

A planning statement said the building was no longer used to stable horses and the development would provide "low-key" holiday accommodation.

READ MORE: Couple refused permission for new home at Hilgay

It said this was likely to "generate some benefit" to the local economy in a village with "limited facilities", as well as employment cleaning and maintaining the new lets.

It added the site, on Ely Road, was a sustainable location, accessible by public transport.

And it concluded: "The proposal would not undermine the character and appearance of the countryside and would be fully in keeping with this rural location."

A business plan said the two units would each have two bedrooms and sleep a maximum of four.