The rebuild of a crumbling Norfolk hospital has come under fresh scrutiny amid concerns alternative sites have not been adequately investigated.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Trust has said it explored "all options" for the new hospital before concluding rebuilding it at the existing location was the best option.

It says this will provide the "best value for money" and allow for the greatest chance of delivering the new hospital before the deadline of 2030 - when the current site is thought to become unsafe due to issues with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). 

Eastern Daily Press: Alice Webster, CEO of the QEH TrustAlice Webster, CEO of the QEH Trust (Image: Newsquest)

Alice Webster, CEO of the QEH Trust, said: "Several options were evaluated but an assessment revealed the most suitable choice for the new QEH was to remain on the existing site.

“This will enable us to capitalise on recent multimillion-pound investments in state-of-the-art facilities.

"Patients will also benefit from retaining essential medical expertise onsite throughout the construction process.

Eastern Daily Press: Thousands of props are holding up the roof of the QEHThousands of props are holding up the roof of the QEH (Image: Chris Bishop)

“Considering relocating the QEH to a different location would significantly delay the project, potentially jeopardising its completion by the 2030 deadline. This situation could potentially affect healthcare services in west Norfolk, while also leading to more costs for taxpayers."

However, critics argue the Trust has failed to explore the alternatives adequately, with landowners not being approached to discuss the cost of the land.

Eastern Daily Press: Councillor Tom RyvesCouncillor Tom Ryves (Image: West Acre Stag)

West Norfolk Councillor Tom Ryves, who has called for more scrutiny of the project, said: "The QEH Trust have not discussed costs with land owners, so they have no idea what it will be.

"This makes it difficult to demonstrate value for money.

"This issue is probably the largest issue West Norfolk has ever faced."

An FOI request has also revealed that the QEH Trust has not consulted with Norfolk County Council's highways officers on the effect of traffic flow at other locations.

Eastern Daily Press: A visualisation of the proposed Hardwick Hospital siteA visualisation of the proposed Hardwick Hospital site (Image: Stantec)


Hardwick Farming Partnership, which has offered a larger 148-acre site on land near Constitution Hill south of King's Lynn, has since commissioned engineering firm Stantec to investigate this alternative.

The report, which has been circulated to the QEH Trust, West Norfolk Council members and local MPs and parliamentary candidates, argues this site is in a more accessible location through being near the A10, A47 and A149, and it will also benefit from a new West Winch bypass road.

Whereas the existing location is limited to the A149, which Stantec says could lead to travel disruption during its construction.Eastern Daily Press: A map of the proposed location of the alternative hospital site in HardwickA map of the proposed location of the alternative hospital site in Hardwick (Image: Stantec)

Other benefits include saving £42m by not needing to build a new multi-storey car park, more space for expansion and potentially a faster construction time due to the land being undeveloped.

Eastern Daily Press: James Bagge, who is planning to run as an Independent MP candidate for South West NorfolkJames Bagge, who is planning to run as an Independent MP candidate for South West Norfolk (Image: Newsquest)

James Bagge, who is planning on running against Liz Truss for her South West Norfolk seat, said: "The report into the alternative site has many persuasive arguments. I wish the hospital would be more transparent and better explain why it feels compelled to build on the existing site.

"I am no specialist but choosing a greenfield site takes away the complication of building next to the existing hospital and I understand it could be done quicker."

The Trust has argued that rebuilding the existing site is the only option to deliver the hospital by 2030.

However, the project has since faced delays, casting doubt as to whether it will be delivered by then.

Eastern Daily Press: Councillor Jo Rust, West Norfolk Council cabinet member for people and communitiesCouncillor Jo Rust, West Norfolk Council cabinet member for people and communities (Image: Newsquest)

Jo Rust, West Norfolk Council cabinet member for people and communities, said: "We will be doing our residents a disservice if we do not explore other options. 

"There has been delay after delay and I am no longer confident funding can be secured before the next general election." 

Neither Labour nor the Green Party have committed to funding the scheme if they gain power, which Ms Rust fears puts more uncertainty on the delivery of the new hospital.

Eastern Daily Press: James Wild, Conservative MP for North West NorfolkJames Wild, Conservative MP for North West Norfolk (Image: Richard Townshend Photography)

James Wild, Conservative MP for North West Norfolk said his priority remains ensuring a new hospital is built by 2030 and has supported the QEH Trust's decision to rebuild it onsite.