A replacement bollard for a city cycle and pedestrian path has been promised - after a taxi was spotted using it as a cut-through.

A padlocked bollard in Rupert Street, near Unthank Road, was broken earlier this year before being replaced with a traffic cone. 

Eastern Daily Press: The council has temporarily tarmacked over the siteThe council has temporarily tarmacked over the site (Image: William Warnes)

But this was later removed and tarmacked over by the county council, sparking anger among some locals.

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A member of the public, who reported the issue on the FixMyStreet platform, said: "I had to ask a taxi driver to stop and reverse out of this shared footpath last night.

"The padlocked bollard broke a few weeks ago. It was replaced with a traffic cone. Now the support has been tarmacked over.

"This will not keep cars out of this path! When will the bollard be replaced?"

The footpath, which lies opposite the Rose Tavern pub, serves as a link between Trinity Street and Essex Street and runs alongside a number of terraced homes.

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A sign marking the route as a pedestrian and cycle path is clearly visible - but the lack of an obstructing bollard appears to have encouraged drivers to use it as a cut-through. 

Eastern Daily Press: The bollard was broken earlier this yearThe bollard was broken earlier this year (Image: Google Maps)

A spokesman for Norfolk County Council confirmed a new lockable bollard is expected to be fitted within the next couple of months and, in the meantime, a temporary surface repair has been made at the site.

They added: “There is a new bollard on order and that will be fitted as soon as possible.

"In the meantime, we’d encourage people to take notice of the signage at this location as this is clearly signed as a pedestrian and cycle path only.”