A lifeboat crew that is prepared to relocate at a moment's notice due to severe erosion has been offered support by the region's boating association.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Boating Association's management committee has met to discuss how it could support the independent Hemsby Lifeboat amid the impact of coastal erosion over the past 18 months.

It comes after Hembsy Lifeboat coxswain Dan Hurd said he feared their base could soon be lost to the sea

The committee agreed that it would launch an initiative to promote and support the station and its crew to help ensure it continues to be able to operate its two lifeboats, including its dedicated lifeboat for the Broads.

A statement from the association said: "The widely reported major impact of coastal erosion over the past eighteen months on the independent Hemsby Lifeboat station and the operation of its two lifeboats, including its dedicated lifeboat for the Broads, is a serious cause of concern as regards the safety not only of holidaymakers and the public generally but especially to those who enjoy boating on the Broads."

Eastern Daily Press: Daniel Hurd, coxswain, front, with the Hemsby Lifeboat crew. From left, Chris Batten, helmsman; Stuart Lenton and Kevin Fenn, engineers; Alan Jones, second coxswain; and Anthony Gouldstone, crew.Daniel Hurd, coxswain, front, with the Hemsby Lifeboat crew. From left, Chris Batten, helmsman; Stuart Lenton and Kevin Fenn, engineers; Alan Jones, second coxswain; and Anthony Gouldstone, crew. (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Hurd had described how he and his crew are about to start packing up their headquarters in case they have to evacuate at a moment's notice.

Speaking on January 16, he said: "I've got an awful feeling we won't survive the winter.

"The lifeboat shed will be under threat soon. We're planning on starting to pack up the building soon, so we can be on standby if we have to leave."

Eastern Daily Press: Hemsby Independent Lifeboat stationHemsby Independent Lifeboat station (Image: Sonya Duncan)

For more than forty years Hemsby Lifeboat has been located by the Gap area of the beach.

The last bout of erosion destroyed parts of a dune cliff, leaving a gaping hole in the Beach Road car park.

Mr Hurd also called on “emergency powers to be called in to preserve what's left".

Discussions as to what form of support the Norfolk and Suffolk Boating Association may be able to provide are ongoing and details will be announced in the spring.