A man who began sexually assaulting a girl when she was aged just 10 has been jailed. 

Ryan Hunt, 28, was told he had exploited the girl’s vulnerabilities for his gratification as he was sentenced to three years and three months.

Norwich Crown Court was told he had been aged 16 when he grabbed the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, sexually assaulting her and laughing.  

In a separate charge, he also had sex with a child on the eve of her 13th birthday and this had continued, the court heard. 

Hunt, of The Green, Freethorpe, near Cantley, had denied offences including sexual assault of a child under 13 between 2008 and 2012, and sexual activity with a child between 2014 and 2015. 

He was found guilty by a jury after a trial. 

Sentencing him to three years and three months, Judge Katharine Moore told him: “There was a disparity in age, power and circumstances between you. 

“Your victim was desperate for affection and you played upon this for your gratification.” 

As a result of his conviction, Hunt is also banned from working with children and vulnerable adults.