A country club has been forced to close its golf course due to heavy rainfall for the first time amid severe flooding across Norfolk. 

Wensum Valley Golf Club is closed today after torrential downpours overnight which have led to chaos on the roads, damaged homes and even a school closure. 

Bridget Hall, director of the country club, said this is the first time the golf course has closed due to rain.

"We've had members keen to go out there but we've had to close because it is so wet," she said.

"Part of the course is on a flood plain but we've only ever closed due to snow.

"There's been 15mm of rain since the start of the year."

READ MORE: Norfolk school closed due to severe flooding and 'sewerage backing up'

The rest of the country club remains open and Ms Hall hopes to reopen the golf course tomorrow if there is drier weather this afternoon. 

There are two flood warnings and 16 flood alerts in place across Norfolk after rain fell on saturated ground throughout the night. 

More rainfall is forecast across Norfolk today.