Norfolk County Council paid out £56,000 after admitting liability in the case of a person who claimed they had been subjected to abuse, new figures have revealed.

The council refused to reveal further details about the circumstances around the compensation payout, but confirmed it had accepted liability following the claim.

A county council spokesman said: "This claim relates to a non-recent case of abuse. We are unable to comment further on an individual case."

While the details surrounding what happened have not been revealed, the council can be liable to pay compensation where a member of staff has breached their statutory duty or the law.

The authority says each case depends on its individual merits and any compensation is based on guidelines from the Ministry of Justice and the courts.

The payment was the largest of 227 compensation payments made by the county council between April 2022 and November this year for which it accepted liability.

As previously reported, the bulk of the successful claims related to potholes and broken pavements, with almost £120,000 paid in compensation.

Eastern Daily Press: Norfolk County Council paid out almost £120,000 in compensation claims related to potholes and broken pavementsNorfolk County Council paid out almost £120,000 in compensation claims related to potholes and broken pavements

More than 530 compensation claims were rejected, after the county council denied liability, including three which related to alleged abuse.

The figures were revealed following a request using the Freedom Of Information Act.

Elsewhere, Norwich City Council paid out just over £25,000 for a dozen successful claims, including for damp in a home, broken drains, slips, trips and falls.

READ MORE: Norwich council compensation battle over Union Street home

Of nine claims made against Breckland Council, one - for a flood at a business - was successful and led to a compensation payment of £3,120.

In North Norfolk, the district council accepted liability in one compensation claim case - for wet paint causing damage to clothes. The council did not reveal how much it had paid out.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council paid just over £2,000 in compensation for damage at five properties.

One claimant in West Norfolk received almost £350 from the borough council because of damage to property.

Broadland and South Norfolk councils have made no compensation payments, although three made to South Norfolk are ongoing.