Four of the top officers at Norfolk County Council were among those recognised in the New Year Honours list.

County Hall's directors of children's services, adult social care, procurement and sustainability and culture and heritage were all honoured.

Adult social care director James Bullion, currently on a year-long secondment with watchdog the Care Quality Commission, is made a CBE for services to social care.

Eastern Daily Press: James BullionJames Bullion (Image: Norfolk County Council)

Mr Bullion first joined County Hall in 2007. He was at Essex County Council between 2013 and 2017 before returning to Norfolk to lead the department.

A former president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), Mr Bullion said: "These honours focus on a person, but I think they are also a recognition of the value of social work in general.

"I am proud to work in social care and would want the recognition shared with all of my colleagues in Norfolk."

Eastern Daily Press: Sara Tough, Norfolk County Council's children's services directorSara Tough, Norfolk County Council's children's services director (Image: Norfolk County Council)

Sara Tough, the council's children’s services, director was made an OBE for services to education and children's social care.

A social worker by profession, Ms Tough joined the council in 2017 and oversaw a turnaround in the children's services department, which led to its first good Ofsted rating in more than a decade at the start of 2023.

She said: "It is an absolute privilege to have had a career working to improve the lives of children and families and I feel honoured and proud to have received this recognition.

"I couldn’t have achieved the things that I have without the dedication of so many people who work tirelessly every day to keep children safe, improve their family lives and support their health and education, so I want to use this opportunity to thank them all for their hard work. I also want to thank my family for their unwavering support."

Eastern Daily Press: Steve MillerSteve Miller (Image: Bill Smith)

Steve Miller, head of Norfolk Museums Service and the council's director of culture and heritage is made an MBE, as is Al Collier, the director of procurement and sustainability.

Eastern Daily Press: Al CollierAl Collier (Image: Submitted)

Council leader Kay Mason Billig said: "This honours list is not only a celebration of some truly remarkable and dedicated people, but a reminder to the rest of us of how lucky Norfolk is to be supported by such talented individuals."