The Green candidate to become Norwich South's MP has outlined his plans to take the fight to the Tories and Labour in the next general election.

The Greens have found success locally in recent years - becoming the second largest party at Norwich City Council and even winning control over their first outright council in Mid Suffolk earlier this year.

Eastern Daily Press: The Green Party is hoping to replicate its local success at a national levelThe Green Party is hoping to replicate its local success at a national level (Image: Mike Page)

But with just one MP in Parliament since 2010 - Brighton Pavilion's outgoing Caroline Lucas - the challenge for the party has always been replicating these results on a national level. 

Jamie Osborn is hoping he can change that in Norwich South, where Clive Lewis holds a comfortable majority of 12,760 having reclaimed the seat for Labour in 2015.

Do the Greens have a chance?

"Well we're one of the two main parties in Norwich," said Mr Osborn, speaking exclusively to this newspaper.

"It's been many decades since the Tories held a city council seat here and nobody is voting for them after the way they've trashed the country. 

"But one of the main things I hear from people on the doorstep is that Labour doesn't offer anything different.

Eastern Daily Press: Mr Osborn has claimed the Greens can offer something different to Labour and the ToriesMr Osborn has claimed the Greens can offer something different to Labour and the Tories (Image: Norwich Green Party)

"People recognise we work on the ground, we listen and we get stuff done. 

"Labour is moving further away from what voters want and their interests are no longer being represented by the party.

"We've had crisis after crisis and it's been met with silence from the Labour-run city council.

"Children are going hungry, our schools are falling down and our health services are failing."

Why the Greens?

Mr Osborn, 29, was born in London and raised in Hastings.

Having worked abroad for a number of charities, he moved to Norwich in 2018 and lives in Dereham Road with his 18-month-old son, becoming a Green city councillor in 2019.

He was also a member of the controversial Extinction Rebellion movement - an organisation he says he is no longer a part of.

Eastern Daily Press: Mr Osborn said the climate emergency motivated him to join the GreensMr Osborn said the climate emergency motivated him to join the Greens (Image: Norwich Green Party)

"Climate change motivated me to join," he said. 

"No other parties offered any meaningful change.

"We need politicians who will take the emergency of climate seriously and who have a track record of getting things done to move away from fossil fuels and support cheaper renewable energy."

Norwich South priorities

Mr Osborn has outlined health, housing and child poverty as his three main focuses.

"Getting a dentist appointment on the NHS is a game of chance," he said.

"And financial mismanagement has led to the collapse of surgeries like the walk-in centre.

"The NHS is struggling both nationally and locally. This needs to be investigated.

Eastern Daily Press: Clive Lewis, who has held Norwich South since 2015Clive Lewis, who has held Norwich South since 2015 (Image: UK Parliament)

"On housing, the city council has a sensible policy of requiring affordable homes for all major housing developments with 10 or more properties.

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"But they are not enforcing this.

"Rents are rising fast and Labour is clearly not supporting renters' rights or fighting for people who can't find anywhere to live."

In June, this newspaper reported that three in 10 Norwich children were living in poverty.

In Norwich South, 33.9pc (5,982) of children aged 15 or under are estimated to be below the poverty line, while 29.5pc (5,374) are facing such deprivation in Norwich North.

Eastern Daily Press: David Thomas, Conservative candidate for Norwich SouthDavid Thomas, Conservative candidate for Norwich South (Image: Norwich Conservatives)

"This is so high," said Mr Osborn.

"The Green Party would end the two-child benefit cap, ensure there was high-quality childcare and extend free school meals to all primary school pupils and widen eligibility."

Would this mean tax rises?

"There is money in this country," Mr Osborn continued.

"But it is being kept by the top 1pc, multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires. 

"We should be taxing that wealth, and no other major party talks about this. It could fund our policies and ensure people pay their fair share."

Eastern Daily Press: Mr Osborn has been a city councillor since 2018Mr Osborn has been a city councillor since 2018 (Image: Denise Bradley)

How confident are you ahead of the election?

"People are always telling me they've never thought about voting Green before, but they will next year," Mr Osborn added.

"No one will vote Tory and Labour is more of the same.

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"I'm definitely up for this challenge."

A history of Norwich South

Clive Lewis has held the seat since the 2015 general election when he ousted Lib Dem Simon Wright.

It had been seen as a safe Labour seat until Mr Wright's success in the 2010 election.

The last Conservative MP to hold the constituency was John Powley, who was kicked out during the Thatcher years in 1987.

Eastern Daily Press: John Powley (right) with Margaret ThatcherJohn Powley (right) with Margaret Thatcher (Image: Newsquest)

The last general election in 2019 saw Mr Lewis receive more than 50pc of the vote, while the Tories came in second with 29pc.

READ MORE: Tory candidate's plan to win Norwich South seat

Green Party candidate Catherine Rowett finished fourth - amassing just 4.8pc.

Though no date has been confirmed, it is predicted next year's general election could take place in the first half of 2024. 

Mr Osborn will be battling it out with Mr Lewis and Tory candidate David Thomas. No other parties have yet announced their candidates for the seat.