A Christmas gift appeal on behalf of people in crisis has proved hugely successful.

Chantry Place shopping centre has again supported Alive UK with a Christmas appeal for local children and their caregivers, in association with the Eastern Daily Press and Norwich Evening News.

This year's appeal saw a superb 2,101 gifts and treats generously donated - which was three times as many as last year.

This means that more than 2,000 children and teenagers who would not have received a gift, will receive one.

Jo Bates, operations manager at Chantry Place, said: “The sheer generosity from our visitors and the people of Norwich is extremely heartwarming, in a year when we know that people’s finances are being squeezed due to rising costs and bills.

"The fact that we have tripled the amount donated this year to the appeal is incredible and these presents will allow families to spread some joy and put smiles on faces.

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“We have seen all ages donate and have been absolutely humbled by how so many children have been so generous too."

Eastern Daily Press: A donation point for Alive UK's Christmas appeal was on the lower ground floor of Chantry Place A donation point for Alive UK's Christmas appeal was on the lower ground floor of Chantry Place (Image: Chantry Place)

A donation point was based in the lower ground floor of Chantry Place, opposite Boots, from mid-November until Sunday.

Jo continued: "While emptying the donation box, we overheard a little girl telling her mum that she wanted to be kind because it would be awful not to have anything for Christmas. She then proceeded to donate four presents.

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"We've also learned of children who have chosen to use their pocket money to buy gifts for others, and it is truly heartening to witness that everyone has wanted to help when they can.

Eastern Daily Press: Jo Bates and Nicky Colk from Chantry Place handing over selection boxes to Jo and JoJo Thorne at Alive UK Jo Bates and Nicky Colk from Chantry Place handing over selection boxes to Jo and JoJo Thorne at Alive UK (Image: Chantry Place)

“On behalf of Alive UK and Chantry Place, we want to say a massive thank you for being so generous."

The shopping centre also donated 348 selection boxes to Alive UK to help them support homelessness charity Shelter, through money raised at a retailer charity bingo night.