A 27-year-old who knocked another man out near a Norwich pub while visiting the city to watch an amateur boxing match has been spared jail.

George Baldwin, 27, had come to the city to watch the fight with friends and later became involved in a confrontation with another man, John Fisher, outside the Louis Marchesi pub in Tombland.

Eastern Daily Press: Louis Marchesi pub in TomblandLouis Marchesi pub in Tombland (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)Norwich Crown Court heard Mr Fisher suffered a bleed on the brain and was taken to Addenbrooke's Hospital after he was punched in the face in the attack in the early hours of August 8, 2021.

Baldwin, from Lincolnshire, appeared at court for sentence on Friday (December 8) after he was found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm following a trial in September.

Eastern Daily Press: George BaldwinGeorge Baldwin (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)Mr Fisher spent three days at Addenbrooke's having suffered a traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage, a bleed on the brain and a ruptured ear drum.

Chris Youell, prosecuting, said although he returned to work after four weeks and has been able to go out in the city since the attack he remains "anxious" about what might happen to him.

He is also likely to have neuro-cognitive problems in the future as a result of the injuries he sustained in the incident.

Recorder Nicola Fitches said there was "no doubt you caused really serious injury" to the victim as a result of the defendant's "appalling conduct".

But Recorder Fitches accepted Baldwin's actions were "impulsive and short-lived" and imposed a 14-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

Baldwin was also ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work, up to 30 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement (RAR) and pay Mr Fisher £4,000 in compensation.

Michael Clare, representing Baldwin, said the consequences of what happened had been "entirely unintended".

He said Baldwin punched just once and did not seek to "press home his advantage" after that.

Mr Clare said it had been an "instant decision in the heat of the moment" by Baldwin with no premeditation and an element of self-defence.