A Norwich nightclub doorman was repeatedly punched during an attack following a row over beer bottles. 

Tommy Dickerson, 40, and Leanne Dickerson, 36, of Calthorpe Road, Norwich, both admitted taking part in the attack outside Qube nightclub on Prince of Wales Road on July 16.

Norwich Magistrates' Court heard the incident stemmed from the club’s head doorman challenging a man leaving with bottles of beer.

Rima Bejum, prosecuting, said after telling a group they could not drink in the street he was threatened by Tommy Dickerson who told him “do you want some?”.

He was then struck by Leanne Dickerson before being punched several times to the back and head.

READ MORE: ‘Nice bloke’ launched unprovoked Norwich nightclub attack

David Foulks, mitigating, said the assault had been captured on CCTV but the cameras had not shown the doorman flicking a cigarette towards the pair.

“They took issue with that and this was by no means an unprovoked attack,” he added.

“However, neither are proud of what they did. They should have stepped back and not got involved.”

Magistrates ordered Tommy Dickerson pay fines and costs of £241 and Leanne Dickerson £190.