An application to allow residential occupation for 33 static caravans on a holiday site in a Norfolk village has been refused.

Applicant Barham Leisure Ltd had an application approved in 2021 to build the static homes at the Pampas Lodge Holiday Park site in Haddiscoe, near Beccles.

Last August Barham Leisure had then asked for the removal of a condition that ensured that the static caravans are restricted to holiday use only and not be used as permanent residential accommodation

But the Broads Authority has now refused the bid to allow for the residential occupation of the 33 caravans.

The authority denied the new application to alter the use of the caravans on a number of grounds, stating that the holiday accommodation site is "not suitable" for permanent residents.

Eastern Daily Press: The site in 2019 before construction work had begunThe site in 2019 before construction work had begun (Image: Google)

It said the application was "conflicting" with the aims of sustainable development, the need to minimise travel, and the ability to encourage walking, cycling, use of public transport and reducing reliance on cars.

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The planning department at the Broads Authority said that the plans would "result in the loss of holiday accommodation" within the Broads network which would damage local tourism.

Eastern Daily Press: Haddiscoe Marshes near the caravan site Haddiscoe Marshes near the caravan site (Image: Nick Butcher)However, the applicant argued that the change in use of the statics would "provide significant economic and social benefits" as the people living in the "permanently occupied" caravans will spend and work locally.

READ MORE: Meet the man with a 25-YEAR FEUD with the Broads Authority 

Barham Leisure Ltd also claims that the approved application to build the static homes in 2021 already allows it to be used as second homes.

Eastern Daily Press: Construction work underway to build the 33 static homes in August 2022Construction work underway to build the 33 static homes in August 2022 (Image: Google)

Eastern Daily Press: Deer grazing in a snow-covered field between Haddiscoe and St Olaves. Deer grazing in a snow-covered field between Haddiscoe and St Olaves. (Image: Nick Butcher)They say: "There is no time restriction on how long the static caravans can be

"In theory, a retired couple could spend as much time as they wanted in
the static caravan throughout the year.

"In fact, they could effectively be ‘on holiday’ for 12 months of the year.

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"It is therefore difficult to understand what advantage there would be to the Local Planning Authority in retaining condition 4 of the planning permission."

Haddiscoe Parish Council and Norfolk Highways formally objected to the plans listing a number of safety concerns.

The site is situated behind the now-closed Haddiscoe Tavern Pub, and about 2.2 miles from The Bell Inn, a bar and restaurant on the A143 at St Olaves Marina.

Eastern Daily Press: Glorious sunset over Haddiscoe taken by Tracey WillisGlorious sunset over Haddiscoe taken by Tracey Willis (Image: Tracey Willis)Eastern Daily Press: Aerial shot of Haddiscoe during the 2013 floods Aerial shot of Haddiscoe during the 2013 floods (Image: Mike Page)Eastern Daily Press: Pampas Lodge Holiday Park in Haddicose has had plans to change the use of its site refusedPampas Lodge Holiday Park in Haddicose has had plans to change the use of its site refused (Image: Newsquest)