People living in an estate on the city's outskirts could be refunded hundreds of pounds as a long-running dispute with Anglian Water is finally resolved.  

The water company has been charging surface water fees to people living in Queen's Hills in Costessey for many years. 

But when the drains were adopted recently, people living in the estate asked why they had been paying if the drains were not previously adopted.  

Eastern Daily Press: Anglian Water doesn't own all the pipes in the estate, but all water ends up in their system Anglian Water doesn't own all the pipes in the estate, but all water ends up in their system (Image: Sophie Wylie)

Anglian Water describes the way they charge people as being like a tree, as though they do not own every branch, they do own the trunk.  

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A spokesman explained: “Although we do not own all the individual pipes in Queen’s Hills, the surface water from this development eventually flows into our drains, so the normal surface water charges apply.  

“We have been in contact with all properties affected to explain this situation and how their bills will be affected going forward.  

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“We are sorry that some customers in Queen’s Hills were charged for surface water drainage when they should not have been.  

“Our team is working hard to refund all customers affected by this, and we’re expecting to have issued all refunds by December.” 

Eastern Daily Press: Anglian Water has agreed to refund the cost up to the time they adopted the drains Anglian Water has agreed to refund the cost up to the time they adopted the drains (Image: Denise Bradley)

For some people who have lived there since people started to live on the estate in 2006, this could mean upwards of £500.  

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Costessey town and district councillor Gary Blundell said: “I am very happy that Anglian Water has agreed to pay back all affected households the monies taken from the time of occupation until April 2021.  

Eastern Daily Press: District Councillor, Gary Blundell is pleased that people will be receiving refunds District Councillor, Gary Blundell is pleased that people will be receiving refunds (Image: Newsquest)

“Residents, especially on new-build estates, should challenge the water companies on any surface water charges as it may be possible that they should not be charged until the works are adopted.  

“It's not a huge saving, but at the end of the day it's monies that did not need to be paid in the first place.”