A development of 76 new environmentally-friendly homes on a former distribution depot has moved a step closer.

Social housing provider Stonewater has outline planning permission to build on land at Terrington St Clement, near King's Lynn.

The development of affordable rented homes was given the go-ahead despite objections from villagers over traffic concerns.

Stonewater has now submitted detailed plans for the Church Farm site, bordered by Benn's Lane, Northgate Way and Churchgate Way.

They show a mix of one, two, three and four-bed bungalows and houses, which would accessed via Northgate Way.

READ MORE: Anger after developer cuts affordable homes from Terrington scheme

A design statement says it will deliver "sustainable, affordable housing".

Properties will have solar panels, ground source heat pumps and electric car chargers. 

Hedgerows and other vegetation will need to be removed to make way for the access road.

But some 220 new trees will be planted as part of the development.