A two year feud over a garden fire has seen a man appear in court after violently threatening his neighbour.

Alan Noakes, 61, pleaded guilty at Norwich Magistrates’ Court to using threatening and abusive language towards another man on Barrett Road in Norwich. 

Rima Bejum, prosecuting, said the neighbour had been gardening when Noakes confronted and threatened him on August 6.

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A statement from the victim read in court said he was now worried about going out alone.

Noakes, who was representing himself in court, said: “The reason this happened was because he bumped into and swore at my wife calling her a b****.

“I told him if you do that again I’ll put you in hospital.”

READ MORE: Neighbours at war over photos of plant watering

He said he had been 50m away and carrying two shopping bags at the time. 

The court was told it was the latest in a long-running dispute between the neighbours that began after Noakes had burned some old items in his garden. 

Magistrates gave him a 12-month conditional discharge but dismissed an application for a restraining order due to the proximity between the two parties.